Fuel Saver Kit for all engines. Ecology for all !

Mounting of a Caterpillar generator.
The Pantone ECOPRA kit can be adapted to all the powers to reduce fuel consumption. Ecology and economy can be combined.
In the oil-producing countries, electricity is provided by generators.
The diesel fuel saver is suitable for different powers.
In places isolated life, energy dependence is extreme and it is vital to conserve fuel.
A generator installation takes no more than an hour for fuel saver kit ecopra.
You can collect up to 2 and a half months of consumption per year.

On this picture, 2 pantones kits are installed (Water doping system based on Gillier pantone system). The goal is a reduction in energy consumption.

Some oil-producing countries use diesel as the unique source of energy.
Pollution is enormous incommensurate with the air quality of our European cities.
It is the consumption of a hundred cars at the stop is released in a limited space.

The fuel lines run through the streets and avenues, feeding here and there a generator 50 to 550kva.
The exhaust gases are discharged directly on the streets and avenues that surround the heated atmosphere causes direct pollution on people.
It is a permanent frog in cities.
The kit pantone Ecopra installation can improve combustion and reduce pollution drastically.

In this video a new Chinese generator equiped with an ecopra pantone kit.
The installation of the diesel fuel saver is simple, because of the accessibility of all components in the exhaust hose aire intake.
Economies and results for generator, small and very large power "portable compressor" of 5-550 kVA shows a fuel economy of 10 to 25%.
On consumption of 2 liters a time up to 40 liters per hour.
Results from all continents.


This video was shot in Most. You can see the mounting of a pantone ecopra kit, testimony, the results of economy and fuel savings with a scania truck.

In harsh conditions may have realized thanks to the testimony of the effectiveness of the ecopra fuel saver on a 4WD Nissan terrano. We are in February 2009 kit is in operation since 2008.
Indeed the common Fournols Puy de Dome is located about 1000 meters above sea temperatures are sometimes around minus 20 ° -30 °C during winters.
The kit is still in use today but on a Renault Espace.
The testimony relates to a use of 40 000kms a Nissan terrano 2.7 diesel.


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